The only way is up for @Rozessounds with “Hangin’ On” in an @ElectricBodega remix

ROZES, “Hangin’ On” (Electric Bodega remix)

The stars keep aligning in the right direction for Philadelphia-bred vocalist Rozes with songs like “Hangin’ On”.  Following the incredible ride she took with The Chainsmokers as vocalist of the Top 10 hit “Roses”, it would be hard to maintain momentum, and while the fine “Burn Wild” ended up in the shadow of “Roses”, “Hangin’ On” is the kind of pop record that holds its own.  Hot NYC producers Electric Bodega understand the importance of the pop environment – witness their BILLCS Top 30 placing for their own “Rest Of My Life” in the Top 5 – and they spice it up with some futuristic trappings without detracting from the original intent.  So that’s a match that is meant to be and dance/pop-oriented club DJ’s should find that “Hangin’ On” will work well in their setting.  Check out the Electric Bodega remix of Rozes’ “Hangin’ On” at the link above.